

Designed the application WorthyWave that help users overcome the imposter syndrome they may face in academic and career settings. - WINFO Hackathon 2025

Designed the application that enhances shared living by simplifying communication and managing chores for roomates.

Global Inequality Insights Database

Global Inequality Insights database is a project utilizing SQL and Azure Data Studio to uncover relationships between socio-economic factors and environmental impacts.

Tempad 2.0 - DubsTech Protothon 2024

Designed TEMPAD 2.0, a time travel application inspired by the TV series Loki in DubsTech’s two-day protothon. Designed user interfaces based on time travel themes, utilized Figma to produce high-fidelity prototypes

MBTI Recommender

Developed the Shiny web application MBTI Recommender to predict music preference for different MBTI personality types; utilized R to conduct comprehensive data analysis of Spotify playlist data, delivered summaries of song and artist preference for each MBTI category based on datasets analysis.